Welkom by Ningbo Jutai Plastic Industrial Co, Ltd.

Ningbo Jutai Plastic Industrial Co, Ltd. is 'n omvattende vervaardiger en handelaar wat handel in boumateriaal versiering bykomstighede, isolasie, en sanitêre. Ons vernaamste produkte is in die lyn van lug deflector, vinyl plate, dubbel konsep stop, buite kraan dekking.

We enjoy the rights of self-managing of export. Our R&D staff are highly trained and experienced. We always apply ourselves to high developing quality products with creative designs for various purposed. We continuously develop new items to meet the market's demand.

Alle produkte ondergaan streng QC inspeksies by die finale skakel. Streng gehalte vereistes word uiteengesit op materiale en komponente gedra.
Ons tree ook op as agente vir die invoer en uitvoer besigheid, die verskaffing van professionele dienste op internasionale kommersiële sake vir die maatskappye wat graag hul kwaliteit produkte uit te voer. Dit onderneem verwerking met ingevoerde materiaal of monsters, monteerwerk met verskaf dele, en vergoeding handel. Intussen het dit ontwikkel dienste in vorms van gesamentlike onderneming of koöperatiewe produksie, behels in ekonomiese en handel konsultasie, en die bron vir plaaslike kommoditeite as well.

We attach great importance to high reputation. And customer's satisfaction is our everlasting pursuit. If you have any question or suggestion about our products, please feel free to contact us at any time,We really hope to be your reliable partner. We appreciate any order we get and will do our best to comply with your request. OEM Service is welcome.

Post tyd: Julie-23-2019