Kúrenie a klimatizácia deflektor HD7

Stručný opis:

Adjust from 10" to 14". Heavy duty, magnetic hold, and unbreakable plastic. During the winter, the curved air deflector directs warm air down for improved heating. In the summer point the vents up to direct the air conditioning towards the ceiling for improved cooling. Company Core Philosophy The product has the specialty mold manufacture, has the uniqueness According to the different needs of customers, we can better meet their requirements.Quality assurance and timely delivery. Payment &amp...

Detail produktu

štítky produktu

Adjust from 10" to 14". Heavy duty, magnetic hold, and unbreakable plastic. During the winter, the curved air deflector directs warm air down for improved heating. In the summer point the vents up to direct the air conditioning towards the ceiling for improved cooling.

Spoločnosť Základná filozofia

Výrobok má výrobu Špecialitou formy, má jedinečnosť

Podľa rôznych potrieb zákazníkov, môžeme lepšie plniť svoje requirements.Quality istotu a včasné dodanie.

Platba & dodanie

Platobné podmienky: 30% vkladu, 70% pred odoslaním (TT, Paypal L / C).

Package Details:According to customers' needs .

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